Illuminating Faith 2016 Year End Message and 2017 New Year’s Message

Greetings and God bless.  As we rapidly approach 2017, our team at Illuminating Faith would like to send you our New Year blessings and final year-end message.  This year we have seen many events that took placed throughout the world that had us on our knees praying to the Lord.  There were many trying times for mankind and those that repented from their sins, and accepted Christ as Lord received the hope of salvation amidst these difficult times.  However, those who did not and who continue to live in sin, are on a destructive path to eternal damnation.

What can we learn from the mistakes and human experience in 2016?  Well, the first lesson is that we must acknowledge the Lord and believe in Him.  Paul the Apostles said in Romans 10:9 that 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  Next, we must realize that God is love and the manifestation of His love for mankind is evident by the Lord’s action on the cross.  Jesus is God incarnate who came down to this earth, suffered and died for our sins so that “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13).”  The Apostle John explains this point in John 3:16, 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

So how do we move forward?  Well, let’s make 2017 a phenomenal year filled with service to God, love towards mankind and commitment to justice.  Rather than hate, let’s fill our hearts with joy and pray that God grants us discernment.  It’s key that we look inward and hold ourselves accountable to God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  Millions have suffered this year and countless lost their loved ones to despicable individuals and governments who had nothing but malice and greed in their hearts.

Let’s work together this year under the guidance of the Lord to end pain and suffering.  Our goal for 2017 is to pray both collectively and individually, as well as move in action for God.  If you see someone in need please consider helping that person.  There are countless who are hungry, poor and alone, therefore if we all assume our role as ambassadors to Christ as stated by Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:20, we’ll make 2017 a year of hope and salvation.   May the Lord keep you and bless you abundantly.  AMEN