What does Pope Francis have to say about civil unions and where are we as the contemporary body of Christ, the Church?  Those that have been following our organization, understand our mission clearly and know that we stand for the revival and advancement of the Christian faith.  Our focus is to strengthen those that profess Christ as Savior and share the Gospel with the unsaved.  We firmly believe that the Church has retreated on many issues and has been distracted by false teachings aimed at redirecting the focus of Christians.  At the core of each message is a thermometer reading of the Church’s standing with God.   Satan has effectively conjured false teachings that have altered a Christ centric theology, to focus on a selfish doctrine. We know that this is not the first attempt by Satan, and various plots have been conjured by him since the inception of the Church in the first century.

We know that the Catholic church is also guilty as are Protestant churches of straying from the truth.  Politics is utilized to attract members to a church(s) and many fundamental teachings are brushed under the rug or diluted to avoid “offending” our sensitive society.  Isaiah 5:20 says “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”.  We know this to be one of the symptoms of the end times and a marker of society’s moral bankruptcy.  Yet, as Christians we have become callus and desensitized to the point of apathy.  Christians lack the motivation to defend the faith and speak up against the evil that is rampant in fear of ostracization.   Being the salt that is no longer salty as described by Christ (read Matthew 5:13-16 and our recent Bible study) is a very dangerous place to be because the repercussions of being cast under the foot of men as described by Christ is chilling.

If this seems redundant and a reoccurring theme, good!  We sincerely hope that each reoccurring message of “wake up” truly convicts you with the Holy Spirit to alter your course and to better represent Christ.  Your witness (especially your actions) is key to a world that is moving into utter destruction.

Let’s revisit the statements of the Pope Francis.  This was an interview he gave in documentary film called “Francesco”.  During the interview he stated “Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God.” He continues, “You can’t kick someone out of a family, nor make their life miserable for this.  What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered”.  This is a very confusing message.  It does assert a particular position which, if it doesn’t explicitly state that he validates homosexual behavior, it certainly supports civil unions.  It’s another way of saying I support homosexuality and I support civil unions.  This is by far the most heretical but not surprising statement coming from this Jesuit Pope.  The Catholic church like other churches today are trying to pander to contemporary society by approving the mental illness known as moral relativism.  If the Church does not stand for Christ and His teachings, how are we supposed to properly represent Christ?  It’s our opinion that this is definitely a political statement and another attempt to bring people who don’t consider the Catholic church as welcoming of their sinful life, to engage.  The same has been done by other churches such as,  the  Church of Sweden (transgender matters) and the Methodist/Anglican churches (regarding their acceptance of homosexuality).  So, with pressure and the lack of will to resist evil, the Pope has now taken one giant leap in “bringing the Catholic church into the 21st century”.  It seems as though ratings are more important than fidelity to God.  On a side note, the Catholic church did the same several years back when they brought leaders of different faiths (Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Christian etc.) and said the commonality of our faiths is love.  So, is love going to regenerate the damned or is it Christ who can reunify mankind to his Creator?  Clearly, this act of “unification” is another plot by Satan to unify mankind to rebel against God.  The Garden of Eden and the Tower of Babel are prime examples of this plan, and the coming plot by the Antichrist to unify the world under one religion in opposition to God.

We pray that all who read this article are blessed with discernment, read the Word of God and study it carefully.  Stay away from churches that have strayed away from God and only serve the sinful.  Being contemporary is not going to lead you to heaven, instead it is your commitment to the inerrant word of God and faithfulness to Him.  Receive Jesus as your Lord and savior; surrender your life to Jesus today.  This is the only way to salvation, and as for the circus show of churches today, we pray that the leadership reconsider their sinful and blasphemous behavior.  We must pray for churches to remain faithful to God and continue to serve the Lord, no matter what the secular worldview of the day.  Amen.