Advent 2021 Part Two – Christ is Returning Soon! Our two-part Advent message is dedicated to the second coming of Jesus Christ.  Like we mentioned in part one, typically Advent messages focus on the first coming, Christ’s birth.  However, as times become more perilous and we see Bible prophecy fulfilled regarding Christ’s second coming, we want to concentrate on this urgent message.  For those who follow Illuminating Faith know that we have numerous articles on the times we live in.  Check out our previous works:

So, once you have read these articles and have learned about Bible prophesy, it’s now time for you to focus on the key activity: Preparation for His second coming!

What must be done to prepare for Christ’s second coming?  We have two recommendations which is wholly based on the Bible.

  1. First, make sure that you receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Unless you repent of your sins, you can not be saved.  Paul the Apostle states in the Book of Romans 10:9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.  Why repent?  Since the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, man was sentenced to eternal damnation.  Sin entered the world and as Paul states in Romans 3:10, “As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one”.  This why Jesus came to die for our sins as the last sacrifice, so that who receive Him will be saved.  Now, for those that received Jesus in the past and strayed away from the faith, now is the time to return to the Lord.  Restore and renew your relationship with God and repent of your sins.
  2. Secondly, you must work actively to be the salt and light, the ambassadors of Christ and execute the Great Commission – Evangelism. It’s imperative that we bring the message of salvation to countless sinners who will perish if they don’t hear the message and receive Jesus.  Our world is becoming increasingly divided, so be careful not to define yourself as anything other than a Christian to prevent yourself from communicating with the unsaved.  Our goal as Christians is to represent the Kingdom of Heaven first.   The world hates us and it does so now more than ever.

What actions can you take today?  We have a few suggestions that will help you achieve this goal:

  1. Share our website link with friends and family – and have your loved ones read through our Bible studies, sermons, topical studies to learn about our Lord and how to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior
  2. Take family members and friends out for coffee, lunch or dinner and find the right opportunity to raise the question of salvation. Do it in a loving manner and be sure to have reading materials ready to share as additional resources.  Make sure that you are well versed and know the Bible to effectively quote scripture and think of what you will say prior to the discussion.  Be sure to pray before the meeting and ask the Holy Spirit to move in you.  The Holy Spirit will use the available vessel for the Kingdom of Heaven.
  3. Be consistent and evangelize through your actions. Be sure to watch your witness and remain focused on Christ.  Stay away from the ways of the world.  We can not preach one thing and do another.

Once more, for this Advent season, let’s expand our focus to include Christ’s second coming and engage in the preparation for His return.   The world is in turmoil, evil has amassed, and all means of communication is being restricted, preventing the Church from preaching the Gospel.  None the less Christ is already victorious, and we are occupying until Jesus returns.  Stay focused and remain in the fight, no matter the difficulties.  If you are reading this message and realize that you have strayed away from the faith and are a prodigal, we encourage you to repent of your sins and return to the faith.  For those that have never received the Lord and want to do so, please pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus I know that I am sinner and I ask you forgive me of my sins.  I believe that you were crucified for my sins and through your blood I have redemption and salvation.  Please come into my heart and I receive you as my God.  I pray in Jesus name. AMEN